This is for one 16" temporarily strung strand of WILD beauties!! These luminescent pearls seductively call to be used in striking jewelry to compliment any skin tone. The pearls have a rich peacock blue undertone, if you have ever admired the rainbow effect oil has when mixed with water you know the lovely colors that are in these beauties. Every color is represented in the magnificent display of iridescence; brilliant cobalts, vivid rose, royal purple, stunning copper and glowing green to name just some of them!! The skin is VERY smooth with very few blemishes! The nacre appears like heavy enamel and is alive with color!!
NOTE: Images do not reflect number and size. Please see detail and table for information.
Quantity: approx. 65 pearls
Material Type: Fresh Water Pearls
Size: 6.5x5.5-6x5mm
Color: Peacock
Legend: Pearls bring a soothing, healing energy into our lives.
Origin: China
This is for one 16" temporarily strung strand of WILD beauties!! These luminescent pearls seductively call to be used in striking jewelry to compliment any skin tone. The pearls have a rich peacock blue undertone, if you have ever admired the rainbow effect oil has when mixed with water you know the lovely colors that are in these beauties. Every color is represented in the magnificent display of iridescence; brilliant cobalts, vivid rose, royal purple, stunning copper and glowing green to name just some of them!! The skin is VERY smooth with very few blemishes! The nacre appears like heavy enamel and is alive with color!!
NOTE: Images do not reflect number and size. Please see detail and table for information.
Quantity: approx. 65 pearls
Material Type: Fresh Water Pearls
Size: 6.5x5.5-6x5mm
Color: Peacock
Legend: Pearls bring a soothing, healing energy into our lives.
Origin: China