Want to WOW them? These will do the trick. They are a true SHOW STOPPER!!! The nacre is thick and radiates through out with reds, green, coppers and golds! The skin is extraordinarily smooth and nearly free of blemishes!
The strand is slightly graduated.
Perfect for wonderful evenings out and just the right touch to make your custom pieces really SING!!!
NOTE: Images do not reflect number and size. Please see detail and table for information.
Quantity: approx. 19 pearls
Material Type: Fresh Water Pearls
Size: 22.5x11x5-11.5x9.5x4mm
Color: Golden
Legend: Pearls bring healing energy into our lives.
Origin: China
Want to WOW them? These will do the trick. They are a true SHOW STOPPER!!! The nacre is thick and radiates through out with reds, green, coppers and golds! The skin is extraordinarily smooth and nearly free of blemishes!
The strand is slightly graduated.
Perfect for wonderful evenings out and just the right touch to make your custom pieces really SING!!!
NOTE: Images do not reflect number and size. Please see detail and table for information.
Quantity: approx. 19 pearls
Material Type: Fresh Water Pearls
Size: 22.5x11x5-11.5x9.5x4mm
Color: Golden
Legend: Pearls bring healing energy into our lives.
Origin: China